Finds gas clouds and analyzes their composition – from kilometers away

Finds gas clouds and analyzes their composition – from kilometers away

scanfeld® warns us of what we do not see nor smell.

Our innovative sensors immediately detect gas leaks anywhere at the industrial site. They locate the source of the leak and track the gas cloud – even if it is kilometers away. In contrast to all other known technologies, the scanfeld® sensor unit uses the precision of FTIR spectroscopy to analyze the chemical composition of a gas cloud and show its size and concentration distribution. The scanfeld® monitoring solutions like a surveillance camera for chemistry; it allows you understand the environment and take action.


scanfeld sensor unit

Modular. Flexible. Scalable.

We provide the perfect solution for every scenario from fast detection of flammable gases to wide area monitoring. scanfeld™ sensor units can be installed anywhere at your site to ensure perfect coverage. Our system allows customizable software modules and intelligent monitoring procedures. scanfeld™ is versatile, expandable, self-calibrating and can be fully integrated into existing safety architecture.


Use, don’t buy.

scanfeld™ monitors your plant without high capital expenditure: You can easily book and use our innovative remote monitoring solution – we take care of everything else.


You commission us – we ensure that everything runs smoothly.